Calderdale perception survey

Calderdale perception survey

Our vision for Calderdale in 2024 is for a place where people can realise their potential whoever they are, and whether their voice has been heard or not in the past. We aspire to be a place:

  • where talent and enterprise can thrive,
  • defined by our innate kindness and resilience where people care for each other, can recover from setbacks and be full of hope, and
  • which stands out, be known and be distinctive.

Since 2019 we have asked all Calderdale residents aged 16 years and above to complete a short survey every January. The results help us to understand if we are achieving our Vision 2024. The reports and datasets produced from the survey results are published at Calderdale perception survey dataset.

This dashboard uses the data from all surveys taken since 2019:

The surveys are completed online. They are promoted through Talkback (the Council’s citizen panel) and through the Council website. The survey taken in January 2020 was also promoted face to face through Council forums and Customer First.

For more information please contact [email protected].