“Public Rights of Way in the Metropolitan Borough of Calderdale, including public footpaths, public bridleways, restricted byways and byways open to all traffic (BOATs).”

Advice on use of the data:

The location of most of our public rights of way has been captured from the Definitive Map. This uses Ordnance Survey base mapping at a scale of 1:10560. When this data is displayed on other geographical information viewers and programs, this can rely on the use of map and image data supplied by others. Due to the different way this imagery or mapping has been captured and processed this may in some circumstances result in public rights of way being shown to be along routes that do not compare accurately with features shown on the third party imagery or maps. Hence, when used in this way no conclusions should be drawn as to the actual position of a public right of way in the real world. Furthermore, the data should not be interrogated for accuracy at a scale greater than 1 in 10,560. Any queries you may have on the data or any anomalies you may wish to enquire about should be sent to our public rights of way team by email at [email protected]

Disclaimer on this data:

Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council is not liable if the information is shown to be inaccurate. It is provided for information and navigation purposes only. The locations of public footpaths, bridleways, restricted byways and Byways Open to All Traffic shown are approximate only. There is no contract and no warranty is implied as to the accuracy of the data. The data is derived from the West Yorkshire Modified Definitive Map (Relevant Date 30 April 1985) and later modifications. This is not the Definitive Map but is an interpretation only and should not be relied upon for legal purposes. There may have been additional changes to the public rights of way network, since the date of publication of this data, which are not shown.

UK Open Government Licence
Last Update
2 years ago  