Calderdale Council
Updated 6 years ago

Sites of significant local nature conservation interest in Calderdale. These are superseded by Local Wildlife Sites and Local Geological Sites. For more information please see our online map Unitary Development Plan 2006. This data has been derived from Ordnance Survey base mapping. (C) Crown copyright [and database rights] (2019) OS (licence 100023069).

Calderdale Council
Updated 6 years ago

Openspace urban – Urban Open Space. The Council’s main objectives for open space, sport and recreation facilities are to: provide a wide range of high quality open space and sport and recreation facilities that are accessible to all residents of the District and increase the provision of these in areas of demand where resources permit; protect existing open spaces and...

Calderdale Council
Updated 6 years ago

Green Belt - The functions of the Green Belt are to: check the unrestricted sprawl of large built-up areas; prevent neighbouring towns from merging into one another; assist in safeguarding the countryside from encroachment; preserve the setting and special character of historic towns; and assist in urban regeneration, by encouraging the recycling of derelict and other urban land. For more information...

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