Ofsted reporting template for Yorkshire and the Humber authorities

Transparency bid: Development of an Ofsted reporting template for use by all local authorities in the Yorkshire and Humber region

At the end of 2016, councils were invited to bid for Transparency bid grants by the Local Government Association (LGA). Calderdale Council was granted one of eight successful bids (out of 54 bids received). The bid was to develop an Ofsted ready Children’s Services initial contact, ie a “front door” self assessment template and associated dataset.

Project update: October 2018

The evaluation tool has now been integrated into the Yorkshire and Humber regional self assessment.

The Yorkshire and Humber regional Social care self evaluation model: draft version

Calderdale has completed the initial development and the draft version is now available:

Over the next few months, this will become an integral part of the wider Yorkshire and Humber (Y and H) regional Sector led improvement (SLI) activity being used by all 15 local authorities. As stated, the model has been developed throughout in close collaboration with all 15 Y and H Directors of Children’s Services, the Assistant Director’s Safeguarding Group and the Performance and Information Management Group (PIMG).

The model helps you answer several key questions:

  • What do you know about the quality and outcomes of the front door?
  • How do you prove this?
  • Where improvement is needed, can you demonstrate this is understood, detailed and monitored?
  • How does the front door fit as a priority within the wider children and young people’s services?
    (This is important as it provides the wider context needed for the annual conversation, another key new Ofsted relationship management component.)

Overall, this should help you to prepare for the forthcoming new style Ofsted inspections, where social care self assessments and annual conversations will be key elements.

Please feel free to use the model and let us have your feedback at [email protected]

This project has been supported by the LGA transparency funding. This allowed Calderdale to employ Carole Brooks, a data expert who provided support in the development of the model.

Project outline

Calderdale are developing the self assessment template and associated dataset, with the help of a data expert consultant supported by the grant, which will work across the Yorkshire and the Humber region (Y and H). It is a collaboration with Directors of Children’s Services, the Assistant Director’s Safeguarding Group and the Performance and Information Management Group (PIMG) from Y and H. The initial milestone iteration was planned for the end of May 2017.

Contact has been made with Ofsted, who are preparing the new 2018 inspection framework, which will include this element. Hence, we will be keeping Ofsted up to date with our developments.

In summer 2017, Calderdale trialled the template internally, and the latest iteration will be incorporated into the Y and H Sector Led Improvement (SLI) model for September 2017.

The Y and H SLI cycle ends in January 2018 with a Challenge day. The feedback from this will inform the final iteration, which will be available in early 2018.

The product has been shared nationally via a submission to the Association of Directors Children’s Services Standards (ADCSS) PIMG in October 2017.

We will update this page as the project progresses, including all milestone iterations and the dataset. The model is freely available to all.


The second iteration, in July 2017, went forward into the Y and H Children and young people’s services SLI self evaluation process which started in October 2017.the model was regionally launched in Y and H with PIMG in late September 2017. This model is now available for wider use.

The model was launched nationally at the ADCS PIMG in London on 11 October 2017.

This allows for the completion of the final iteration in early 2018.

Graham Mozley and Andrew Ramsay from the Calderdale Business Intelligence Team presented the model to the Data and Insight Authority Forum Summit in December 2017 – the story of the event can be found here #DIAF2017

Details of all the successful bids can be found at LGA Inform: LGA data experts grants support better use of local data mini projects .