Footfall reports showing data based on daily footfall recorded at two locations (Fountain Street at Commercial Street and Market Street at Crossley Street) in Halifax town centre. Vehicles (bike, bus, car and truck) are only recorded at Market Street at Crossley Street. Data is provided by MRI OnLocation (formerly Springboard). Data recorded from November 2023 onwards and will be published quarterly. For...
Footfall reports showing data based on daily footfall and vehicles (bike, bus, car and truck) recorded at two locations (Town Hall Street and Victoria Road) in Southgate, Elland town centre. Data is provided by MRI OnLocation (formerly Springboard). Data recorded from September 2023 onwards and will be published quarterly. For more data and information about footfall in Calderdale see - Footfall Data
Footfall reports showing data based on daily footfall and vehicles (bike, bus, car and truck) recorded at two locations (Bethel Street and Commercial Street) in Brighouse town centre. Data is provided by MRI OnLocation (formerly Springboard). Data recorded from September 2023 onwards and will be published quarterly. For more data and information about footfall in Calderdale see - Footfall Data
Calderdale schools including status, type, cluster, principals / head teachers, address, website, number on roll (from School census), longitude and latitude, and eastings and northings. The list is updated monthly. You can also search online for school details, maps, performance tables and ofsted reports - Search for Schools. Also see Schools datasets.
Sessions, page views, users, devices and referrals for the DataWorks platform using information from Google Analytics. The interactive dashboard provides data by month from September 2018 for sessions, page views, users, devices and referrals to DataWorks. Previous years are covered by static dashboards. Excel and csv files give data on the use of datasets published on our Data Works platform. Please note,...
Key Stage 1 (KS1) data for primary school pupils in Year 2 who met or exceeded the Expected Standard (EXS+) by School Ward for the 2016 onwards. The data is by school location, rather than by pupil residence. In determining, which ward the data relates to, a Schools list by wards is available. The data source is the National Consortium...
Our Corporate Performance Report contains Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) focussing on exceptions; indicators which clearly have a significant change in performance. The report includes the top key performance indicators (Super Key Performance Indicators (SKPIs)) which have been chosen due to their direct impact upon residents of Calderdale. Our performance dashboard is interactive allowing you to view current performance and allows you...
A range of Public Health data for Calderdale including data on population, ethnicity, deprivation, housing, families, life expectancy, accidents, physical and mental health, and older people by neighbourhood and ward. Also see Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA)
Conservation Areas are defined in the Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) Act (1990) as, “areas of special architectural or historic interest, the character or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance”. The Council has designated 19 Conservation Areas throughout the District where priority will be given to preservation or enhancement. For more information please see our online...
Salaries information of senior staff which exceed £50,000. This information is correct as at 31 March each year and is published as part of the Local Government Transparency Code. The files contain links to our website for information on Council Directorates and Service Areas and budgets and spending. Also see other HR and Workforce related datasets.