We are Calderdale

We are Calderdale

Each year, Calderdale Council hold an assembly of public, private, community and voluntary sector partners. ‘We are Calderdale’ (previously called ‘State of Calderdale’) provides an opportunity to discuss how all our priorities can be met, identify gaps and provide opportunities to work together to improve life in Calderdale for all.

The assembly has been held since 2018. Each year, the Performance and Business Intelligence team provide a data pack to accompany the assembly. They are all available on this site.

Vision 2024

The data packs reflect our Vision 2024. 2024 is the 50th anniversary – a time to celebrate and reflect on what has been achieved over the last half century and where we want to be by 2024.

Out vision for Calderdale in 2024 is a place where you can realise your potential whoever you. We aspire to be a place where talent and enterprise can thrive; a place defined by our innate kindness and resilience, where we care for each other, are able to recover from setbacks and are full of hope. Calderdale will stand out, be known and be distinctive. Calderdale should be a great place to visit, and a place to live a larger life.

You can find out more about Vision 2024 at Vision 2024 (Council website).


For more information, please contact [email protected].