Annual Performance Report
Our 2023/24 Corporate Performance Report has the following main areas of focus:
- Population aged 65 years and over in receipt of long term adult health and social care support
- Employment
- Assessments completed within 28 days
- Section 42 safeguarding enquiries where risks were identified and reduced or removed
- Rate of children looked after (CLA) per 10,000 children aged 0 to 17 years old
The year 2024 marks the 50th anniversary of Calderdale and is a time to review the progress made to Vision 2024. The Vision underpins the Council’s strategic priorities: to reduce inequalities, develop thriving towns and places and take climate action to improve the lives of residents.
For more information, see press release – A year of progress and challenge.
Our annual performance report also shows how the Council is performing against our key performance indicators and when compared to other councils. We treat a selection of these as super key performance indicators, as they have the biggest impact on the people of Calderdale and are aligned to our priorities.
Information about how the Council is performing is available all year round here on Calderdale DataWorks through our recently improved interactive performance dashboard, quarterly performance reports and almost 300 open datasets available to be viewed and explored. The dashboard enables you to filter the data by corporate priority or theme, vision theme and individual indicator showing historical and comparator data and performance against targets.