Performance overview

Council performance overview

We want to deliver services effectively and within budget, achieving the best outcomes possible for our residents. We compare our performance to other local areas, the country as a whole, and to similar borough councils in England (called Statistical neighbours). We have three corporate priority work areas: Climate action, Reducing inequalities, and Strong thriving towns and places. 2024 is the 50th anniversary of Calderdale Council – Vision 2024 has three key themes which embody part of our programme of work.

Find out more in About our performance framework.

About our performance framework

To help us focus on what matters most, we arrange our goals into three priority groups:

  • Climate action
  • Reducing inequalities
  • Strong thriving towns and places

We also set goals for how we want our place to look in 2024, the 50th anniversary of our establishment as Calderdale Council. Working with our communities we agreed ‘Vision 2024’ goals and aligned our performance work to these key themes:

  • Distinctive
  • Enterprising and talented
  • Kind and resilient

We want to be transparent about performance and provide open and accessible information. Use this interactive dashboard to see how we’re doing. You can filter the data by the above cross-cutting categories, look at performance in a particular service area, or search for an individual measure. There are a small number of Super key performance indicators (SKPIs) and a range of supporting measures. The current Red, Amber or Green (RAG) rating indicates how we’re performing for each measure in relation to the targets we set, and our historical performance and targets. Red means below target performance, amber means near target performance, and green means at or above target performance.

More details on our performance can be found at Council performance. Definitions for specific indicators and comparator groups can be found at Dashboard indicator definitions and comparator groups. More information about our corporate goals can be found at Calderdale Council: Priorities and performance.

For more advice and information, contact [email protected].