Performance indicator definitions and comparators

Council Performance Overview dashboard: indicator definitions and comparator groups

The indicators listed on this page are used to measure the Council’s performance, see Council performance overview dashboard.

Indicator definitions

To ensure that we have good quality data that meets quality standards, each indicator needs to be properly defined at the outset. This requires each indicator to have an indicator initiation form, for internally calculated indicators, and a link to the definition and methodology for indicators where the data is obtained from an external source. This is to ensure that the indicator is relevant, can be collected, and is reported consistently.

These are the definitions for all indicators on the Council performance overview dashboard:

Measure ID

Indicator name and link to indicator definition


Percentage of physically active and inactive adults – active adults:
LG Inform: Percentage of adults who are active (150+ minutes a week)


Healthy life expectancy (male):
LG Inform: Healthy life expectancy at birth (male)


Healthy life expectancy (female):
LG Inform: Healthy life expectancy at birth (female)


Employment rate:
LG Inform: Overall employment rate (working age) in Calderdale


Percentage of 19 year olds qualified to Level 2:
LG Inform: Percentage of 19 year olds qualified to Level 2


Median gross weekly pay for full time workers (residence based):
LG Inform: Median gross weekly pay of employees by residence (residence based) in Calderdale


Principal roads where maintenance is needed:
LG Inform: Principal roads where maintenance should be considered


Per capita CO2 emissions in the area:
LG Inform: CO2 emissions estimates – total per capita


Percentage of streets with unacceptable levels of litter:
Calderdale Council: Percentage of streets with unacceptable levels of litter


Percentage of streets with unacceptable levels of detritus:
Calderdale Council: Percentage of streets with unacceptable levels of detritus


Average Progress 8 score per pupil:
LG Inform: Average Progress 8 score


Average Attainment 8 score per pupil:
LG Inform: Average Attainment 8 score


Percentage of Key Stage 2 achieving the expected standard in reading, writing and mathematics – all pupils:
LG Inform: Percentage of pupils meeting the expected standard at the end of Key Stage 2 in reading, writing and mathematics


Percentage of young people aged 16-17 years old that are not in education, employment or training (NEET) (from 2016):
LG Inform: Proportion of 16 and 17 year olds who were not in education, employment or training (NEET)


Percentage of pupils achieving a good level of development – Foundation stage proProporfile (Early years):
Department for Education: Local authority interactive tool (LAIT) *


Percentage take up of 2 year olds benefiting from early education:
LG Inform: percentage of 2 year old children benefiting from funded early education
In addition to nationally published data we also present locally collected in year Calderdale level data for this indicator. This data is provisional and unvalidated.


Percentage of Early years and childcare settings rated good or outstanding by Ofsted:
LG Inform: Percentage of early years registered providers inspected rated good or outstanding


Inequality gap in Level 2 qualification achievement rate by the age of 19 years:
LG Inform: Attainment gap in the achievement of Level 2 qualifications by the age of 19


Absence from school of children who have been looked after continuously for at least 12 months:
LG Inform: Percentage of sessions missed due to overall absences for children who have been looked after continuously for at least 12 months at 31 March


Number of referrals to Childrens’ services social care, per 10,000 under 18 year olds:
LG Inform: Rate of referrals to children’s social care per 10,000 children
In addition to nationally published data we also present locally collected in year Calderdale level data for this indicator. This data is provisional and unvalidated.


Percentage of referrals that are repeat referrals within 12 months:
LG Inform: Referrals to children’s social care within 12 months of earlier referral (%)
In addition to nationally published data we also present locally collected in year Calderdale level data for this indicator. This data is provisional and unvalidated.


Section 47 enquiries which started during the year (per 10,000 under 18 year olds):
Department for Education: Local authority interactive tool (LAIT) *
In addition to nationally published data we also present locally collected in year Calderdale level data for this indicator. This data is provisional and unvalidated.


Number of children subject to child protection plans, per 10,000 under 18 year olds:
LG Inform: Children who were the subject of a child protection plan at 31 March, per 10,000 population
In addition to nationally published data we also present locally collected in year Calderdale level data for this indicator. This data is provisional and unvalidated.


Percentage of child protection cases reviewed within the required timescales:
LG Inform: Percentage of child protection cases which were reviewed within required timescales
In addition to nationally published data we also present locally collected in year Calderdale level data for this indicator. This data is provisional and unvalidated.


Children looked after – the number of children looked after per 10,000 under 18 years old population:
LG Inform: Children looked after rate per 10,000 children aged under 18
In addition to nationally published data we also present locally collected in year Calderdale level data for this indicator. This data is provisional and unvalidated.


Percentage of children looked after for two or more years with stable placements or placed for adoption:
LG Inform: Percentage of looked after children in same placement for at least two years / placed for adoption (Placement 2 indicator)
In addition to nationally published data we also present locally collected in year Calderdale level data for this indicator. This data is provisional and unvalidated.


Percentage of children looked after with three or more placements during the year:
LG Inform: Percentage of looked after children with three or more placements during the year (Placement 1 indicator)
In addition to nationally published data we also present locally collected in year Calderdale level data for this indicator. This data is provisional and unvalidated.


Looked after children ‘Strengths and Difficulties’ questionnaires resulting in cause for concern (%):
Calderdale Council: Looked after children ‘Strengths and Difficulties’ questionnaires resulting in cause for concern (%)


Adoption timescales – percentage of children who cease to be looked after where the outcome reason is ‘adopted’:
LG Inform: Percentage of children who ceased to be looked after during the year who were adopted
In addition to nationally published data we also present locally collected in year Calderdale level data for this indicator. This data is provisional and unvalidated.


Adoption timescales – percentage of children who cease to be looked after where the outcome reason is ‘Special guardianship order’:
LG Inform: Percentage of children who ceased to be looked after due to a special guardianship order
In addition to nationally published data we also present locally collected in year Calderdale level data for this indicator. This data is provisional and unvalidated.


Adoption timescales – percentage of children who cease to be looked after where the outcome reason is either ‘Special guardianship order’ or ‘adopted’:
Department for Education: Local authority interactive tool (LAIT) *
In addition to nationally published data we also present locally collected in year Calderdale level data for this indicator. This data is provisional and unvalidated.


Proportion of adults with learning disabilities in paid employment:
LG Inform: Proportion of adults with learning disabilities in paid employment in Calderdale
Department of Health: The Adult social care outcomes framework 2018/19


Proportion of adults in contact with secondary mental health services in paid employment:
LG Inform: Proportion of adults in contact with secondary mental health services in paid employment in Calderdale
Department of Health: The Adult social care outcomes framework 2018/19
In addition to nationally published data we also present locally collected in year Calderdale level data for this indicator. This data is provisional and unvalidated.


Proportion of older people aged 65 years or over who were still at home 91 days after discharge from hospital into reablement / rehabilitation services (effectiveness of the service):
LG Inform: Proportion of older people (aged 65 years and over) who were still at home 91 days after discharge from hospital into reablement / rehabilitation services (effectiveness of the service) in Calderdale
Department of Health: The Adult social care outcomes framework 2018/19


Proportion of people using social care who receive direct payments:
LG Inform: Proportion of people using social care receiving direct payments in Calderdale
Department of Health: The Adult social care outcomes framework 2018/19
In addition to nationally published data we also present locally collected in year Calderdale level data for this indicator. This data is provisional and unvalidated.


Percentage of 65 years and over population in receipt of long term adult health and social care support:
Calderdale Council: Percentage of older adult population (aged 65 years and above) who are in receipt of long term social care support


Residual household waste per household:
LG Inform: Residual household waste per household (annual)


Percentage of primary schools rated good or outstanding:
LG Inform: Percentage of primary schools rated good or outstanding


Percentage of secondary schools rated good or outstanding:
LG Inform: Percentage of secondary schools rated good or outstanding


Amount spent in the local area as a result of tourism (in millions):
Calderdale Council: Visitor economy


Number of new affordable housing properties built:
LG Inform: Number of affordable homes delivered


Number of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Calderdale:
LG Inform: Number of enterprises in Calderdale


Business survival rates (three years):
LG Inform: Proportion of new enterprises still active after three years in Calderdale


Percentage who feel that people from different backgrounds get on well together in your local area:
Policing and crime, West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA): Your views survey


How safe do you feel in your local area:
Policing and crime, West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA): Your views survey


Overall are you satisfied with your local area as a place to live:
Policing and crime, West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA): Your views survey


Kindness and Resilience – Resident perception index:
Calderdale Council: Vision 2024 Resident perception survey


Distinctive – Resident perception index:
Calderdale Council: Vision 2024 Resident perception survey


Enterprising and Talented – Resident perception index:
Calderdale Council: Vision 2024 Resident perception survey


I think that Calderdale is a great place to live:
Calderdale Council:Vision 2024 Resident perception survey


Median gross weekly pay for full time workers (workplace based):
LG Inform: Median gross weekly pay of employees working in the area (workplace base) in Calderdale


Percentage of half days missed due to overall absence in primary schools:
LG Inform: Percentage of half days missed due to overall absence in primary schools in Calderdale


Percentage of half days missed due to overall absence in secondary schools:
LG Inform: Percentage of half days missed due to overall absence in secondary schools in Calderdale


Key Stage 2 progress in reading between ages 7 and 11:
LG Inform: Progress score at the end of Key Stage 2 in reading in Calderdale


Key Stage 2 progress in writing between ages 7 and 11:
LG Inform: Progress score at the end of Key Stage 2 in writing in Calderdale


Key Stage 2 progress in mathematics between ages 7 and 11:
LG Inform: Progress score at the end of Key Stage 2 in mathematics in Calderdale


Percentage of pupils achieving expected levels at phonics decoding:
LG Inform: Percentage of pupils meeting the expected standard of phonic decoding in Calderdale


Total estimated actual jobs supported by the visitor economy in Calderdale:
Calderdale Council: Visitor economy


Average time (days) between a child entering care and moving in with its adoptive family, adjusted for foster carer adoptions, for children who have been adopted:
LG Inform: Average time between a child entering care and moving in with its adoptive family, for children who have been adopted (days)
In addition to nationally published data we also present locally collected in year Calderdale level data for this indicator. This data is provisional and unvalidated.


Housing affordability: Ratio of median house price to workplace based earnings:
LG Inform: Housing affordability: Ratio of median house price to median gross annual (workplace-based) earnings


Housing delivery test percentage of deliverable assessed housing requirement delivery over rolling a three year period – over 75%:
Calderdale Council: Housing delivery test percentage of deliverable assessed housing requirement delivery over a rolling three year period – over 75%


Voluntary organisations as a rate of population (per 100,000):
Calderdale Council: Voluntary organisations as a rate of population (per 100,000)


People who have taken part in formal volunteering which was unpaid in the last year (percentage):
Calderdale Council: People who have taken part in formal volunteering which was unpaid in the last year (percentage)


People who have taken part in informal unpaid volunteering in the last year (percentage):
Calderdale Council: People who have taken part in informal unpaid volunteering in the last year (percentage)


Planning applications processed within 13 weeks or agreed time – major developments (percentage):
LG Inform: Planning applications processed within 13 weeks or agreed time – major developments (percentage)


Planning applications processed within eight weeks or agreed time – minor developments (percentage):
LG Inform: Planning applications processed within eight weeks or agreed time – minor developments (percentage)


Planning applications processed within eight weeks or agreed time – other developments (percentage):
LG Inform: Planning applications within eight weeks or agreed time – other developments (percentage)


Average time between a local authority receiving court authority to place a child and the local authority deciding on a match to an adoptive family (days) – A2:
LG Inform: Average time between a local authority receiving court authority to place a child and the local authority deciding on a match for an adoptive family (days)
In addition to nationally published data we also present locally collected in year Calderdale level data for this indicator. This data is provisional and unvalidated.


Care leavers in education, employment or training (percentage):
Department for Education: statistics: looked after children
In addition to nationally published data we also present locally collected in year Calderdale level data for this indicator. This is limited to 17 to 21 year old Relevant and Former relevant care leavers to match as closely as possible the benchmarking data for this measure. This data is provisional and unvalidated.


Care leavers living in suitable accommodation (percentage):
Department for Education: statistics: looked after children
In addition to nationally published data we also present locally collected in year Calderdale level data for this indicator. This is limited to 17 to 21 year old Relevant and Former relevant care leavers to match as closely as possible the benchmarking data for this measure. This data is provisional and unvalidated.


Children starting Early help support (Early help pathway, Early help hub and Early intervention panel):
This is the number of children who start Early help support via the Early help pathway, Early help hub and Early intervention panel. This is a measure of volume. Children may receive more than one type of support. This is locally collected in year Calderdale level data. Published benchmarking data is not available.


Children with a new Initial contact to Children’s social care in the six months following the end of their Early help hub support (percentage):
This is locally collected in year Calderdale level data. Data is presented six months in arrears to allow for any Initial contacts following Early help hub closure. Published benchmarking data is not available.


Vacant dwellings – all, as a percentage of all dwellings in the area in Calderdale:
LG Inform: Vacant dwellings – all, as a percentage of all dwellings in the area in Calderdale


Business density (businesses per 10,000 people):
LG Inform: Business density (businesses per 10,000 people)


Percentage of people with RQF Level 4 and above aged 16-64 years:
Nomis: Percentage of people with RQF Level 4 and above aged 16-64 years


Local wildlife sites in positive conservation management:
Calderdale Council: Local wildlife sites in positive conservation management


Local sites (wildlife / geological) in positive conservation management:
Calderdale Council: Local sites (wildlife / geological) in positive conservation management


Number of designated local wildlife sites:
Calderdale Council: Number of designated local wildlife sites


Number of people claiming unemployment related benefits, aged 16-64 years:
LG Inform: Number of people claiming unemployment related benefits, aged 16-64 years


Percentage of 18-24 year olds claiming unemployment benefits:
LG Inform: Proportion of residents aged 18-24 claiming unemployment benefits


Prevalence of healthy weight in Reception children:
LG Inform: Percentage of children in Reception year who are healthy weight


Prevalence of healthy weight in Year 6 children:
LG Inform: Percentage of children in Year 6 who are healthy weight


Borough emissions (kt CO2e):
LG Inform: CO2 emissions estimates


Council corporate emissions (tCO2e):
Calderdale Council: Council corporate emissions (tCO2e)


Domestic abuse:
West Yorkshire Police Force: Domestic abuse


Serious Crime:
West Yorkshire Police Force: Serious crime


Neighbourhood crime NPS:
West Yorkshire Police Force: Neighbourhood crime NPC


People who received short-term services, who previously were not receiving services, requiring no ongoing support:
LG Inform: Proportion of those that received short-term service during the year where sequel was either no ongoing support or support of a lower level


Service users who find it easy to find information about services and / or support:
LG Inform: Proportion of people who use care services who find it easy to find information about services

* Using the LAIT toolkit:

To access the definition and source information for indicators from the excel based Department for Education: Local authority interactive tool (LAIT):

  1. Select ‘Local authority interactive tool’ (XLSM format);
  2. when the spreadsheet opens, select ‘Enable editing’, then select Read only in the pop-up window that appears;
  3. select ‘Enable content’;
  4. the indicators are grouped into ‘Dropdown descriptions’ – to see which group an indicator is in, click on the Indicators button to the right of ‘click to view the list of data items available within tool and …..’;
  5. select the LA level tab at the top and change the Authority to Calderdale;
  6. use the Topic dropdown field to select the Dropdown description, then use the Indicator drop down list to select the indicator. Towards the bottom of the page are the description and methodology for the indicator, together with a link at the bottom of the page to the original source of the data.

Comparator groups

When comparing our performance against other councils, we use one of these sets of comparator councils. These are:

Comparator group Councils
Chartered Institute of Public Finance Accountants (CIPFA) Nearest Neighbours (up to October 2023) Barnsley | Bury | Calderdale | Derby | Doncaster | Dudley | Halton | Kirklees | Medway | North Lincolnshire | Rochdale | Rotherham | St Helens | Stockport | Wakefield | Wigan
Chartered Institute of Public Finance Accountants (CIPFA) Nearest Neighbours (from October 2023) Bury | Calderdale | Darlington | Doncaster | Halton | Kirklees | North Lincolnshire | North Northamptonshire | Rotherham | St Helens | Stockton-on-Tees | Tameside | Telford and Wrekin | Wakefield | Warrington | Wigan
Department for Education (DfE) Children’s Services Near Neighbours(up to and including 31 March 2021) Bury | Calderdale | Darlington | Derbyshire | Kent | Kirklees | Lancashire | Nottinghamshire | Sefton | Staffordshire | Stockton-on-Tees
Department for Education (DfE) Children’s Services Near Neighbours(from 1 April 2021) Bury | Calderdale | Darlington | Derbyshire | Kirklees | Lancashire | Leeds | Nottinghamshire | Sefton | Stockton-on-Tees | Wigan
Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS): Yorkshire and Humberside Barnsley | Bradford | Calderdale | Doncaster | East Riding of Yorkshire | Kingston upon Hull | Kirklees | Leeds | North East Lincolnshire | North Lincolnshire | North Yorkshire | Rotherham | Sheffield | Wakefield | York

How comparator group changes affect data

If the indicator data source is LG Inform, when there is a change in comparator group members it is also applied to previous / historical data. For all other indicator data sources, the change is only applied to data released from the date of change to the comparator group – it is not applied to previous / historical data.


If you have any further questions regarding the indicators and their definitions, please contact us at perfop>[email protected].