The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) supports local groups, organisations and other interested parties who want to know more about the population health needs of Calderdale.

The primary purpose of the JSNA is to paint the big picture in terms of current and future health and wellbeing needs of the people of Calderdale. The JSNA should be the first place that local groups, organisations, commissioners and providers of health and any related services go to for information about the health and wellbeing needs of Calderdale residents. Needs assessment is an essential tool for commissioners helping to inform the priorities and targets set by local area agreements, informing service planning and commissioning strategies, leading to agreed priorities designed to improve outcomes and reduce inequalities locally.

Your input is welcomed. If you have any data, insight or other information that you’d like to submit to be considered for inclusion in the JSNA, or if you want any further information or to make any comments about the Calderdale JSNA, please contact [email protected]

Also see - Public Health Data (also includes Annual Report of the Director of Public Health)

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Last Update
6 months ago  