DWP is consulting on a new measure of poverty developed in consultation with the Social Metrics Commission. There is a public consultation until 11 April 2024 on the proposed definition.
This is a collection of dashboards and datasets showing selected statistics on poverty in Calderdale which has been developed alongside the Calderdale Anti-poverty action plan. The plan has been produced in consultation with local partner agencies. It is available on the Calderdale Council website at Money and Wellbeing in Calderdale .
DWP is consulting on a new measure of poverty developed in consultation with the Social Metrics Commission. There is a public consultation until 11 April 2024 on the proposed definition.
The rising cost of living affects everyone and finding reliable answers to the questions that everyone is asking can be a challenge. The Office for National Statistics has developed this online tool of information about the impact of the cost of living overall, and on spending, energy, housing, society, work and business.
The Calderdale Anti-Poverty dashboards have been updated using the Power Bi visualisation tool. This interactive dashboard shows selected statistics on poverty in Calderdale which has been developed alongside the Calderdale Anti-poverty action plan. Many of the metrics can be viewed at either LSOA (Lower super output level) or ward levels. There are twenty seven dashboards that include the latest published information. There is a dashboard guide and glossary (https://dataworks.calderdale.gov.uk/download/2om1d/c1y/Calderdale%20APD%20guide%20and%20glossary.pdf) which describes each data source and how often the dashboards are updated.
For more information on areas, see Calderdale MSOAs, LSOAs and COAs by postcode: https://dataworks.calderdale.gov.uk/dataset/lower-super-output-areas-by-postcode
Dashboard and headline statistics from Citizens Advice Calderdale confirming the number and type of enquiries they receive. Updated every three months.
In August 2022 Citizens Advice published a new national Citizens Advice cost of living dashboard which shows the number and type of requests for help they receive that relate to the cost of living. The dashboard is updated quarterly.
The Centre for Progressive Policy published a new Cost of Living Vulnerability Index in April 2022.
This tracker by the Food Foundation provides regular updates on people's experiences of food insecurity particularly focusing on at risk groups such as families, Black Asian and Minority Ethnic groups, people with disabilities and children on free school meals.
This report provides an overview of financial hardship and economic vulnerability in Calderdale compared to other similar local authorities
New report and interactive dashboard by the Social Market Foundation on evidence of child poverty in England, Scotland and Wales, with data available at local authority level.
Annual Government report and data sets confirming national information on the number and proportion of households with below average income. Usually updated every March.
Official experimental statistics on the number of children living in low income families. Produced by HM Revenue and Customs and the Department for Work and Pensions. Updated every March.
The Social Metrics Commission (SMC) is an independent commission invited by the UK government to come up with a new approach to measuring poverty. SMC published their findings and new definition in September 2018. Their 2023 annual report is available from the SMC website (https://socialmetricscommission.org.uk/social-metrics-commission-2023-report/).
SMC intend to publish local authority area results in the future subject to resources being identified. These will be added to the Calderdale Anti-Poverty Dashboards once available.
DWP is working with SMC to publish new national level data on poverty based on the SMC definitions. (https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/development-of-a-new-measure-of-poverty-statistical-notice/development-of-a-new-measure-of-poverty-statistical-notice). There is a consultation on the proposed definition which will close on 11 April 2024
These slides are from a webinar delivered by Calderdale Council on behalf of Calderdale’s Anti-Poverty Partnership. The webinar was of interest to people would like to: find poverty statistics about Calderdale for service planning, monitoring and funding application; and have a go at filtering individual dashboards to customise charts, maps, and tables for specific projects.