Diffusion tubes are small, relatively inexpensive air pollution (nitrogen dioxide) monitors.  They are small plastic tubes, open at one end with a gauze at the other end.  The gauze is soaked in a chemical that captures the pollution and lets us work out the average amount of pollution in the air.

This data has all of the monthly pollution levels measured in Calderdale using diffusion tubes since 1993.  The older measurements (1993-2003) were in “parts per billion”.  One part per billion means that in one cubic metre of air there was one cubic millimetre of pollution.  This unit can be converted to the one in use now, micrograms per cubic metre, by multiplying by 1.91.  More recent measurements are reported in these units.

The diffusion tubes have been placed in many locations over the years, to investigate where the air pollution ‘hot spots’ might be, so the files may show different tubes for different years.  Most of the tube locations are shown on Calderdale Maps Online

UK Open Government Licence
Last Update
4 years ago  
17 files
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Diffusion Tube Data 2019

Includes the diffusion tube data for each month of the year and then the bias corrected mean value of No2.

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Diffusion Tube Data 2019

Includes the diffusion tube data for each month of the year and then the bias corrected mean value of No2.

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LV Diffusion Tube Locations

The LV series of diffusion tubes includes sites where the Council needed to check that the EU limit value for nitrogen dioxide was not being exceeded, these locations were decided based on predictions made by DEFRA.

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LV Diffusion Tube Locations

The LV series of diffusion tubes includes sites where the Council needed to check that the EU limit value for nitrogen dioxide was not being exceeded, these locations were decided based on predictions made by DEFRA.

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Diffusion Tube data 2018

Includes the diffusion tube data for each month of the year and then the bias corrected mean value of No2

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Diffusion Tube data 2018

Includes the diffusion tube data for each month of the year and then the bias corrected mean value of No2

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Diffusion Tube data 2017

Includes the diffusion tube data for each month of the year and then the bias corrected mean value of No2

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Diffusion Tube data 2017

Includes the diffusion tube data for each month of the year and then the bias corrected mean value of No2