A breakdown by sector of the amount spent on trips to Calderdale and what this was spent on. Also the annual Calderdale Tourism economic impacts estimates report showing the tourism impact on Calderdale.

Please note there is no data for 2021.

For more information on tourism in Calderdale see:

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Calderdale Tourism Economic Impact Estimates 2020

The following note is on page 1 of the report and should be taken into consideration when comparing 2020 with previous years:

"Due to Covid 19 restrictions in 2020 the collection of data for the national surveys used to support the Cambridge Model templates was unavailable. Following discussions with our economic advisory consultants, it was advised the only valid way to provide figures for 2020 was to apply the published national decline in visitor numbers and spend (where available) to the Cambridge Model data from the previous year. Therefore the data provided in this report should be used as an indicative overview of the past year and caution should be used in directly comparing figures to previous years."