Calderdale Council
Updated 21 hours ago

School exclusion data in Calderdale from May 2019 onwards for all Calderdale schools (including Academies), which include fixed/suspensions and permanent exclusions alongside the reason for these exclusions. The data source for the exclusion data is the school census. Note: The exclusions data is not based on academic years but is based on the DfE requirements for each school census submission, which is...

Calderdale Council
Updated 2 days ago

Temporary Accommodation Costs break-down for Leasehold Flats, Homelessness Facility - Ryburn House, Bed & Breakfast as well as overall service and central costs. The spreadsheet is broken down into the following worksheets: Overall Data Table - the data is based on financial years and includes all cost break-down between 2011/12 - 2023/24 2018-19 Data Break-Down - the data is...

Calderdale Council
Updated 15 days ago

Monthly figures, published here under the Council's Members' Allowances Scheme, including basic allowance, special responsibility allowance, travel and subsistence, dependent carer allowance, mayoral allowance, and co-optees allowances. More information on our Councillors can be found at: Your Councillors; The Constitution

Calderdale Council
Updated 16 days ago

Freedom of Information Act (FOI), Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) and Data Protection Act/Subject Access Requests (SAR) – Annual statistics since 2016/17. Data includes number processed, responses within timescale, late responses, CCTV requests and complaints including to Information Commissioners Office (ICO). FOI Code of Practice

Calderdale Council
Updated 18 days ago

This is the size of the Council workforce as recorded on our Human Resources system. It takes account of part time staff, who are counted on a pro-rata basis. Figures are taken at the end of each month, the beginning of each quarter and for an annual snapshot at the end of the financial year. It does not include schools. Please...

Calderdale Council
Updated 24 days ago

Calderdale schools including status, type, cluster, principals / head teachers, address, website, number on roll (from School census), longitude and latitude, and eastings and northings. The list is updated monthly. You can also search online for school details, maps, performance tables and ofsted reports - Search for Schools. Also see Schools datasets.

Calderdale Council
Updated a month ago

Homelessness figures for Calderdale Council from April 2018 as submitted to the government in the quarterly H-CLIC (Homelessness case level information collection) return, covering: assessments; main duty; prevention; relief; rough sleeping; and temporary accommodation. The full H-CLIC data for England can be found at Statutory homelessness live tables. To learn more about the H-CLIC return...

Calderdale Council
Updated 2 months ago

Debt Recovery cases are the debt cases transferred to Enforcement Agent (formerly known as bailiffs), when payment for different Services within Calderdale Council has not been received in the required time period. The Excel document contains 5 different tables split by financial years including: Cases referred to Enforcement Agents from each service area Cases split by Enforcement Agents for...

Calderdale Council
Updated 2 months ago

This provides a summary of the characteristics of the Council workforce and is based on data from the Annual Equality Duty Report. It represents all of the People working for the Council as individuals, rather than as their Full Time Equivalent, which can be different. Includes breakdown by age, gender, disability, ethnicity, religion and sexual orientation. Also see the Gender Pay Gap...

Calderdale Council
Updated 2 months ago

A list of the top 50 locations in Calderdale ranked on Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) issued.