Content TypeDatasets
TopicSpending and Procurement
Calderdale Council
Updated 2 days ago

Temporary Accommodation Costs break-down for Leasehold Flats, Homelessness Facility - Ryburn House, Bed & Breakfast as well as overall service and central costs. The spreadsheet is broken down into the following worksheets: Overall Data Table - the data is based on financial years and includes all cost break-down between 2011/12 - 2023/24 2018-19 Data Break-Down - the data is...

Calderdale Council
Updated 10 days ago

Our Corporate Performance Report contains Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) focussing on exceptions; indicators which clearly have a significant change in performance. The report includes the top key performance indicators (Super Key Performance Indicators (SKPIs)) which have been chosen due to their direct impact upon residents of Calderdale. Our performance dashboard is interactive allowing you to view current performance and allows you...

Calderdale Council
Updated 2 months ago

Parking Account information for the most recent seven years published as part of the Local Government Transparency Code. Please note - 'other income' includes permits, suspensions, car park closures.

Calderdale Council
Updated 3 months ago

Businesses with a rateable value of less than £12,000 up until April 2024, then less than £15,000 thereafter including : Property Reference; Rateable Value; Property Address; Property Postcode; Liability Start Date and Small Business Rate% Properties having their charges calculated on the small business multiplier only are also marked SBR. For that reason there are Net Debits for properties with an...

Calderdale Council
Updated 3 months ago

Expenses claims made by Countryside Volunteers including, date, number and amount paid.

Calderdale Council
Updated 4 months ago

Council tax charges for Calderdale by band: Annual council tax charge since 1993/94; Breakdown of council tax charge since 2016/17, showing the charge for parish, social care, police and fire precepts. There is more data available on Council tax collections at Council tax data .

Calderdale Council
Updated 5 months ago

This dataset list contracts where a tender, quote or framework process has been run. This information is published as part of the Local Government Transparency Code. The information about the Council's tender opportunities and current contracts can be found at YORtender eportal. To see the register: Click on the Contract register link just above the login button ( you do not need to...

Calderdale Council
Updated 5 months ago

Grants and payments to voluntary and community sector organisations including beneficiaries, amount granted and purpose of grant. This information is published as part of the Local Government Transparency Code.

Calderdale Council
Updated 6 months ago

Annual consultancy fees in total, by supplier and by directorate.

Calderdale Council
Updated 7 months ago

Public health funerals, including date of birth, date of death, gender, next of kin, burial or cremation and funeral cost. From 2019, the data also contains the name and last known address of deceased, along with detail of funeral costs and date. Public health funerals are funerals arranged by Local Authorities for those people who have died and have no known...