Our Corporate Performance Report contains Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) focussing on exceptions; indicators which clearly have a significant change in performance. The report includes the top key performance indicators (Super Key Performance Indicators (SKPIs)) which have been chosen due to their direct impact upon residents of Calderdale.

Our performance dashboard is interactive allowing you to view current performance and allows you to compare our progress over time and against others.

For the definitions of the indicators and the different comparator groups used, see Indicator definitions and comparator groups.

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Last Update
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57 files
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2023-24 Performance report

Includes Employment, Percentage of population aged 65 years and over in receipt of long term adult health and social care support, Percentage of assessments completed within 28 days, Percentage of Section 42 safeguarding enquiries where risks were identified and reduced or removed, and Rate of children looked after (CLA) per 10,000 children aged 0 to 17 years old.

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OfLOG update June 2024

Office of Local Government (OfLoG) metrics from the Local government data explorer for Calderdale Council as at 6 June 2024.

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2023-24 End of December Performance Report

Includes Prevalence of healthy weight (Reception / Year 6), Average Progress 8 score, Average Attainment 8 score, Voluntary organisations

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Performance indicator details as at 1 July 2024

Extract of indicator details including Measure ID, Measure name, Latest period date, Latest result, Green target, Amber target, Polarity (whether we are aiming to get a lower result or higher result), and Status (green, amber or red dependent on how the latest result compares to the targets). This is updated on a quarterly basis.

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Performance indicator details as at 1 July 2024

Extract of indicator details including Measure ID, Measure name, Latest period result, Latest result, Green target, Amber target, Polarity (whether we are aiming to get a lower result or higher result), and Status (green, amber or red dependent on how the latest result compares to the targets). This is updated on a quarterly basis.

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2023-24 Half year performance report

Includes Referrals for adult social care dealt within 28 days / Assessments completed in 28 days, Short term placement stability, Primary education outcomes, and Child protection plans

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2023-24 end of June performance report

Includes Domestic abuse, Serious crime, Neighbourhood crime and Planning.

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2022-23 Performance report

Includes Proportion of population that are physically active, Children subject to a Child protection plan (KPI 50) / Children looked after (KPI 53), Percentage of safeguarding referrals where the investigation is completed within 12 weeks, Children looked after with an up to date Strengths and Difficulties questionnaire (KPI 22), Litter / Detritus, and Permanent care home admissions (ages 18 to 64 years).

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2022-23 End of December Performance report

Includes exceptions on Prevalence of healthy weight (Reception / Year 6), Proportion of adults in contact with secondary mental health services in paid employment, Average Attainment 8 score and average Progress 8 score, and Children subject to a Child Protection Plan / Children looked after (CLA).

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2022-23 Half Year Performance Report

Includes exceptions on permanent care home admissions, reablement/rehabilitation services at 91 days and primary educational attainment.

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2022-23 End of June Performance Report

Includes exceptions on Care leaving services for young people - new performance indicators, Planning, Healthy life expectancy at birth - male, and Proportion of population that are physically active.

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2021-22 Performance Report

Includes exceptions on Secondary School Attendance, Placement Stability and Wellbeing of Children Looked After, Safeguarding Referrals and Smoking at Delivery.

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2021-22 End of December Performance Report

Includes exceptions on proportion of child protection plan reviews completed within timescale, percentage of children leaving care where the reason is a special guardianship order, life expectancy at birth, proportion of adults with learning disabilities in paid employment and proportion of adults in contact with secondary mental health services in paid employment.

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2021-22 Half Year Performance Report

Includes exceptions on employment and skills, percentage of children looked after for two or more years in stable placements, and permanent care home admissions (ages 18 to 64 / 65 and over).

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2021-22 End of June Performance Report

Includes exceptions on employment, percentage of physically active / inactive adults, adults - overweight or obese, percentage of 19 year olds with Level 2 qualifications and the inequality gap, and the number of children subject to a Child protection plan

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2020-21 Performance Report

Includes exceptions on healthy life expectancy, children's social care activity, visitor economy and Vision 2024 resident perception indices.

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2020-21 End of December Performance Report

Includes exceptions on primary schools rated good or outstanding, children’s social care activity, reablement and adults with learning disabilities in paid employment.

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2020-21 Half Year Performance Report

Includes exceptions on crime, employment rate and claimant count, physical activity and waste (food and recycling). Also see, press release - Reviewing progress in a year like no other: http://news.calderdale.gov.uk/reviewing-progress-in-a-year-like-no-other/

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2020-21 End of June Performance Report

Includes exceptions on: eligible 2 year olds benefiting from funded early education; excess weight (adults); inequality gap in Level 2 qualifications; looked after children - emotional and behavioural health of looked after children; climate change - CO2 emissions.

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2019-20 Performance Report

Includes exceptions on: life expectancy, children's social care repeat referrals, stability of placements for children looked after, excess weight and Vision 2024.

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2019-20 End of December Performance report

Includes exceptions on crime and feeling safe, employment rate, user survey indicators from Adults Social Care, adult safeguarding enquiries completed within 12 weeks of concern being raised, primary school writing outcomes and women smoking at time of delivery.

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2019-20 Half Year Performance Report

Includes exceptions on: new dwellings, physically active and inactive adults, road condition, and adoption and special guardianship orders.

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2019-20 End of June Performance Report

Includes exceptions on: long term stability of placements for children looked after, care home admissions (all age groups), feeling safe in Calderdale, inequality gap in achievement at age 19 and eligible 2 year olds benefiting from funded early education.

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2018-19 Performance Report

Includes exceptions on: crime, air quality, new dwellings, excess weight, waste, Children's social care - demand for services and Children's social care - timeliness of adoption proceedings.

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2018-19 End of December Performance Report

Includes exceptions on: secondary school attainment, Early Years Foundation Stage inequality gap, pay, excess weight, tourism, care home placements, business survival rates and small and medium sized enterprises.

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2018-19 Half Year Corporate Performance Report

Includes exceptions on: crime, air quality, litter, children's social care referrals and delayed transfers of care (hospital discharges).

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2018-19 End of June Performance Report

Includes exceptions on: Total crime; Level 4 qualifications; New dwellings; Direct payments; Care home admission 18-64; Section 47 investigations.

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2017-18 Performance Report

Includes exceptions on: road condition; air quality; residents perception of litter; obesity; number of children subject to child protection plans and care home admissions 65+.

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2017-18 End of December Performance Report

Includes exceptions on Median gross weekly pay, Under 75 mortality rate from cardiovascular diseases, Educational achievement inequality gaps, Social care-related quality of life, Older people discharges from hospital (reablement) and Adoptions.

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2017-18 Half Year Performance Report

Includes exceptions on: Physical Activity; Crime; Digital Skills; Adult Safeguarding Enquiries; Key Stage 1 and 2 Results; S47 Investigations and Adoption Timescales

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2017-18 End of June Performance Report

Includes exceptions on: Superfast Broadband; Pay and Employment; Child Protection Plans and Children Looked After; 2 year-old funded early education and Adult Safeguarding Enquiries.

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2016-17 Performance Report

Includes exceptions on: digital customer services, use of sports and leisure facilities, use of museums and galleries, domestic violence, levels of litter and detritus, number of children looked after, adults safeguarding enquiries, life expectancy, people using parks and green spaces, capital receipts, looked after children with 3 or more placements, number of people moving to independence in their own homes, adults in contact with secondary mental health services living independently, Section 47s completed in timescales.

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2016-17 End of December Performance Report

Includes exceptions on: number of children looked after, child protection plans lasting 2 years or more, GCSE results, ticket sales at the VIctoria Theatre, new care home placements, long term adult social care, total crime and repeat incidents of domestic violence.

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2016-17 Half Year Performance Report

Includes exceptions on: adopted children; digital customer services; new dwellings; waste collection; amount sent to landfill and recycled; crime; adult safeguarding referrals

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2015-16 Performance report

Includes exceptions on: use of sport and leisure facilities; web payments; children's social care; child obesity; waste collections, amount sent to landfill and recycled; domestic violence; supply of new dwellings; planning application timescales.