Fraction of the mortality attributable to particulate matter (PM2.5) air pollution 2013 to 2015 (source: Public Health Outcomes Framework Fraction of all-cause adult mortality attributable to anthropogenic particulate air pollution).
The State of Calderdale has been renamed We are Calderdale. For details on each year's assembly, see We are Calderdale .
The State of Calderdale assembly brings together key representatives from the public, private, and voluntary and community sectors.
As part of the event, Calderdale Council prepare a data pack to provide signposts to the key issues that inform the Council's three priorities. This is the section of the data pack on the priority 'Build a sustainable future', including the data used in it's creation.
The other sections of the data pack, including the demographic chapter and sections on 'Grow the economy' and 'Reduce inequalities' can be found at State of Calderdale .
Fraction of the mortality attributable to particulate matter (PM2.5) air pollution 2013 to 2015 (source: Public Health Outcomes Framework Fraction of all-cause adult mortality attributable to anthropogenic particulate air pollution).
Fraction of the mortality attributable to particulate matter (PM2.5) air pollution 2013 to 2015 (source: Public Health Outcomes Framework Fraction of all-cause adult mortality attributable to anthropogenic particulate air pollution).
The percentage of principal (M and A roads) and non-principal (B and C roads) roads that should be considered for maintenance (source: Local Government Inform Principal roads where maintenance should be considered and Non principal roads where maintenance should be considered).
The percentage of principal (M and A roads) roads that should be considered for maintenance (source: Local Government Inform Principal roads where maintenance should be considered).
The percentage of non-principal (B and C roads) roads that should be considered for maintenance (source: Local Government Inform Non principal roads where maintenance should be considered).
Net additional dwellings for Calderdale and as a proportion of West Yorkshire (sources: Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government, Table 123: housing supply: net additional dwellings, component flows of, by local authority district, England 2012-13 to 2016-17 and Affordable homes figures provided by Housing and Green Economy service
Net additional dwellings for Calderdale (sources: Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government, Table 123: housing supply: net additional dwellings, component flows of, by local authority district, England 2012-13 to 2016-17 and Affordable homes figures provided by Housing and Green Economy service
Net additional dwellings as a proportion of West Yorkshire (source: Housing and Green Economy service)