Disabled Facilities Grants (DFG) include data related to the number of grants issued and the breakdown of monies issued year on year by Calderdale Council.

There are some empty periods within the data which is due to the data not being recorded during these time periods; however from 2014 onwards this data is recorded on a yearly basis.

Disabled Facilities Grants are for adaptations for the elderly and disabled, which can pay for large adaptations within a client's home.

For more information - Disabled Facilities Grants (DFG)

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Last Update
2 years ago  
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Disabled Facilities Grants from 2009 to 2022

The information includes: The number of Disabled Facilities Grants issued and the total monies issued each financial year.

The number of DFGs is approximate for 2021/22 because the reporting system records the number of 'jobs' and some DFGs have a number of separate jobs.

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Disabled Facilities Grants from 2009 to 2022

The information includes: The number of Disabled Facilities Grants issued and the total monies issued each financial year.

The number of DFGs is approximate for 2021/22 because the reporting system records the number of 'jobs' and some DFGs have a number of separate jobs.