Key Stage 1 (KS1) data for primary school pupils in Year 2 who met or exceeded the Expected Standard (EXS+) by School Ward for the 2016 onwards. The data is by school location, rather than by pupil residence. In determining, which ward the data relates to, a Schools list by wards is available. The data source is the National Consortium of Examination Results (NCER).
A summary of Calderdale school performance can be found on the Council website: School performance tables. School performance for individual schools can be found at Compare school performance.
Please note some DFE numbers might have changed please see previous DFE code on Schools list.
From 2024, the DfE made KS1 data submissions optional for schools, so not every school submitted this data, hence, this has not been published as it would not represent an actual year on year comparison.
Other schools data
NB: Data for 2020 and 2021 is unavailable because the key stage data collection return was cancelled by the government due to the Covid-19 pandemic.