FormatCSV File
Calderdale Council
Updated 13 hours ago

Key Stage 2 (KS2) data for year 6 primary school pupils who met or exceeded the Expected Standard (EXS+) by School Ward for the period 2016 onwards. The data is by school location, rather than by pupil residence. In determining, which ward the data relates to, a Schools list by wards is available. The data source is the National Consortium...

Calderdale Council
Updated 13 hours ago

Early Years Foundation Stage Profile (EYFSP) data for reception aged primary school pupils who met Good Level of Development (GLD) Standard by School Ward for the 2022 onwards. (Click on link for EYFSP 2013-2019 data). The data is by school location, rather than by pupil residence. In determining, which ward the data relates to, a Schools list by wards is...

Calderdale Council
Updated 16 hours ago

Empty Properties in Calderdale, this data set includes: Total number of properties empty All properties empty > 6 months (codes 71,77,78,81) All properties empty 6 months (codes 71,77,81)

Calderdale Council
Updated 20 hours ago

School exclusion data in Calderdale from May 2019 onwards for all Calderdale schools (including Academies), which include fixed/suspensions and permanent exclusions alongside the reason for these exclusions. The data source for the exclusion data is the school census. Note: The exclusions data is not based on academic years but is based on the DfE requirements for each school census submission, which is...

Calderdale Council
Updated 2 days ago

Temporary Accommodation Costs break-down for Leasehold Flats, Homelessness Facility - Ryburn House, Bed & Breakfast as well as overall service and central costs. The spreadsheet is broken down into the following worksheets: Overall Data Table - the data is based on financial years and includes all cost break-down between 2011/12 - 2023/24 2018-19 Data Break-Down - the data is...

Calderdale Council
Updated 2 days ago

Affordable houses built in Calderdale including, number, locality, funding and provider. We have also published a document which explains the data and some of the acronyms and terms used.

Calderdale Council
Updated 5 days ago

Location, opening times and contact details of all weekly markets. More information on Calderdale markets can be found at Markets.

Calderdale Council
Updated 9 days ago

This dataset provides a quarterly and annual summary of Calderdale Council workforce absence from 2013-14. It does not include schools. The data shows average full time equivalents (FTE) employed during each quarter, FTE days lost to absence and days lost to absence per FTE. Also see other HR and Workforce related datasets.

Calderdale Council
Updated 10 days ago

The majority of public bodies with 250 or more staff employed in England are considered to be in scope of meeting the Department for Education apprenticeship target, and should have a target to employ an average of at least 2.3% of their staff as new apprentice starts over the period of 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2021. As part of...

Calderdale Council
Updated 10 days ago

Our Corporate Performance Report contains Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) focussing on exceptions; indicators which clearly have a significant change in performance. The report includes the top key performance indicators (Super Key Performance Indicators (SKPIs)) which have been chosen due to their direct impact upon residents of Calderdale. Our performance dashboard is interactive allowing you to view current performance and allows you...