Year 1 (Y1) primary school pupils phonics data who met the Expected Standard for Phonics by School Ward for the period 2013 onwards.The data is by school location, rather than by pupil residence. In determining, which ward the data relates to, a Schools list by wards is available. The data source is the National Consortium of Examination Results (NCER).

A summary of Calderdale school performance can be found on the Council website: School performance tables. School performance for individual schools can be found at Compare school performance.

Please note some DFE numbers might have changed please see previous DFE code on Schools list.

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Last Update
8 months ago  
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Y1 Phonics 2013 onwards

The information includes: school ward, number of schools in each ward, year, total pupils, numbers and percentages of pupils met the standard and year on year comparison.

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Y1 Phonics 2013 onwards

The information includes: school ward, number of schools in each ward, year, total pupils and numbers of pupils met the standard.