Number of Households per ward

Updated every autumn

Data set comparing 2011 and 2021 includes Census 2011 to Census 2021 information from the Office for National Statistics.

Data sets comparing 2011 to 2020 includes Census 20211, population figures from the Office for National Statistics annual mid year estimates for small areas and household figures from the Calderdale Council Tax database.

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Last Update
10 months ago  
8 files
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Households per ward 2011 and 2021

The figures show: number of households, people, and people per household by ward in 2011 and 2021; and the change in numbers and percentage between 2011 and 2021. Data sources; Census 2011 and Census 2021, Office for National Statistics.

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Households per ward 2011 and 2021

The figures show: number of households, people, and people per household by ward in 2011 and 2021; and the change in numbers and percentage between 2011 and 2021. Data sources; Census 2011 and Census 2021, Office for National Statistics.

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Households per ward 2011 and 2020

The figures show: number of households, people, and people per household by ward in 2011 and 2020; and the change in numbers and percentage between 2011 and 2020. Data sources; Census 2011, Office for National Statistics Small area population estimates England and Wales: mid-2020, and Calderdale Council Tax database 2020 Properties.

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Households per ward 2011 and 2020

The figures show: number of households, people, and people per household by ward in 2011 and 2020; and the change in numbers and percentage between 2011 and 2020. Data sources; Census 2011, Office for National Statistics Small area population estimates England and Wales: mid-2020, and Calderdale Council Tax database 2020 Properties.