Events and innovation at ODI Leeds

A number of events and innovations are planned at ODI Leeds.

In March nearly a hundred people came to ODI Leeds to pool knowledge, share ideas and build solutions to flooding. Supported by TechNorth, and Leeds, Bradford and Calderdale Councils, the aim was to develop innovative tools to support anyone who has an interest in flooding detection, response, resilience, analysis and recovery through the use of data and technology.  A follow up meeting took place in July.

On 14 and 15 October, ODI Leeds and Highways England are holding a Hack to see how open data can be used with regard to transport and infrastructure.

Whatever your background, whatever your experience, come and join in. Want to know why and when roadworks take place? Do you wish there was a better system for warning road users about roadworks? Would you like an app that tells you the best times to travel?

Working with Highways England to utilise the datasets they have and finding out what data they might need to collect in the future. They held an open meeting in July to discuss #HighwaysHack and start a dialogue with Highways England about what data they had and what data we might like to see. You can add thoughts, questions and ideas to an open Google Doc.

Wuthering Bytes 2016 – A Festival of Technology in the Heart of the Pennines
ODI Leeds & sponsors partnered with Leeds Data ThingThings Network (Leeds and Manchester)OpenData ManchesterCalderdale DataWorksMySociety and The ODI are running an innovation day on Tuesday 6 September – ODI Open Smart Cities & Places – Cities are about people, aren’t they?  The first in a series of events and activities working on how to apply technology, data science and innovation to the places we live.

ODI startup accelerator
This is a year long programme aimed at data-oriented startups. It runs in Leeds and London. Support is provided in form of administration, finance and HR, communications, training, business templates, mentoring, and office spaces, amongst others.  Applications for the accelerator were open until 11 July.

For more information about ODI Leeds, including several other projects that have been supported, see ODI Leeds and Friends Showcase.