#Floodhack16 @ODILeeds

ODI Leeds will be running #FloodHack16 on the 11th & 12th March, looking at the challenges the recent flooding created and what technology, data and innovation can do to help.

It’s supported by Leeds, Calderdale & Bradford Councils – hopefully York will be joining as well.

There is also support from TechNorth, ODI HQ and the Environment Agency & DEFRA are engaged and will hopefully be involved too.

People affected by the recent floods in Yorkshire and those with engineering, water industry or digital service experience are particularly welcome to attend, as are those with a background in communities, technology or data.

The organisers are expecting to devise a wide variety of prototypes, including maps, community building, communications, open data, visualisation and electronic monitoring.

Floodhack.com is up and running and has more information.

Please sign up on this eventbrite page.