Performance Dashboard

Our interactive performance dashboard and quarterly performance reports measure Calderdale’s progress towards being the ‘best borough in the North’ and achieving the aspirations of the Vision2024 for Calderdale. You can filter the dashboard by corporate priority, vision theme, indicator or service.

Our end of June 2020 Corporate Performance Report, has five main focus areas including:

  • Climate change – CO2 emissions
  • Early years – Eligible 2 year olds benefiting from funded early education
  • Excess weight – Adults
  • Inequality gap in achievement at Level 2 at age 19
  • Looked after children – Emotional and behavioral health of looked after children

Our annual report contained updates on our position in the Northern Borough rankings (8th) and demonstrates how the Council is performing against its own targets and when compared to other councils in a number of priority areas. Progress is also being measured to support Vision2024, to achieve a talented, enterprising, kind, resilient and distinctive borough. For more information, also see – Measuring the Council’s performance in uncertain times

Information about how the Council is performing is available all year round on Calderdale DataWorks through our interactive performance dashboard, quarterly performance reports and over 280 open datasets available to be viewed and explored.