We are Calderdale: 12 March 2020

Each year, Calderdale Council hold an assembly of public, private, community and voluntary sector partners. ‘We are Calderdale’ provides an opportunity to discuss how all our priorities can be met, identify gaps and provide opportunities to work together to improve life in Calderdale for all.

This year, the data packs have been designed to reflect the three key themes of Vision 2024: Distinctiveness, Enterprising and Talented, and Kindness and Resilient. They are asset based, pulling together key areas of strength in Calderdale, whilst still acknowledging areas where we would like to improve:

2024 is an important year for Calderdale

It’s the year that marks our 50th anniversary and will be a time to celebrate and reflect on what’s been achieved over the last half century. But where do we want to be by 2024? How will the Calderdale of then, be different from the place it is now? What ambitions do we share?

Our vision for Calderdale in 2024 is for a place where you can realise your potential whoever you are, whether your voice has been heard or unheard in the past. We aspire to be a place where talent and enterprise can thrive. A place defined by our innate kindness and resilience, and by how our people care for each other, are able to recover from setbacks and are full of hope. Calderdale will stand out, be known, and be distinctive. We want Calderdale to be a great place to visit, but most importantly, a place to live a larger life.

To understand and measure our progress against this vision, visit Calderdale DataWorks/Council performance and select Vision 2024 on the performance dashboard. This shows indicators on business start-up and survival, school readiness, educational attainment and workforce skills, the value of our tourist economy, plus data on air quality and physical activity. You can see our progress over time, and benchmark against other northern boroughs and comparator groups.

Not everything can be measured in numbers, and our citizen’s perception of our place, and our progress towards this shared vision is equally important. A resident survey has taken place (see Vision 2024 Perception survey for the results), and will be repeated annually, to help us understand if we are achieving our Vision 2024.

For more information please contact:

Claire Broadbent
Performance and Business Intelligence Team Leader
Calderdale Council

Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
Telephone: 01422 392752 or 0773 445 9829