It also gives distance of the furthest child allocated a place (in miles) under the distance criteria (if oversubscribed).
Number of preferences and allocations for reception class by school in Calderdale primary schools (academies and local authority maintained schools); the data is published annually.
It also gives distance of the furthest child allocated a place (in miles) under the distance criteria (if oversubscribed).
It also gives distance of the furthest child allocated a place (in miles) under the distance criteria (if oversubscribed).
It also gives distance of the furthest child allocated a place (in miles) under the distance criteria (if oversubscribed).
It also gives distance of the furthest child allocated a place (in miles) under the distance criteria (if oversubscribed).
It also gives distance of the furthest child allocated a place (in miles) under the distance criteria (if oversubscribed).
It also gives distance of the furthest child allocated a place (in miles) under the distance criteria (if oversubscribed).
It also gives distance of the furthest child allocated a place (in miles) under the distance criteria (if oversubscribed).
It also gives distance of the furthest child allocated a place (in miles) under the distance criteria (if oversubscribed).