Calderdale Indices of Deprivation (IoD) dashboard

We have developed a suite of dashboards, using the Qlik Sense data visualisation software, to show the IoD 2019 data – see Indices of Deprivation.

IoD are a set of datasets including the Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) published by Government, and was last published in September 2019. The data is used by a wide range of stakeholders as an evidence base for deprivation at neighbourhood, or Lower layer super output area (LSOA) level. LSOAs cover about 1,700 people and can vary in size dependent on how urban or rural the area is. There are 128 in Calderdale.

The IMD is the most well-known of the data sets and is the Government’s official measure of deprivation at neighbourhood level.

The IoD dataset has seven domains, six sub domains and two supplementary indices, underpinned by 50 individual indicators. IMD is based on the seven domains. For more information on the IoD dataset, see Calderdale Indices of Deprivation 2019 guide and glossary.

The dashboards have 36 maps showing either the 2019 data or the change between 2019 and the previous release (2015) for:

• IMD and individual domains (income, employment, education, crime, health, access to services, living environment);
• supplementary indices of Income Deprivation affecting Children Index (IDACI) and Income Deprivation affecting Older People (IDAOPI);
• sub domains of education (adults and children), access to services (geographical, wider), and living environment (indoor and outdoor).

Each map can be customised by the user to show results for one or more ward, LSOA, or deprivation level.

Each dashboard in the suite has a link to the Calderdale Indices of Deprivation 2019 guide and glossary.

If you have any questions about the dashboards, or Calderdale’s IoD results, please email [email protected].