Performance Dashboard September 18th, 2020 by Sophie Smith Our interactive performance dashboard and quarterly performance reports measure Calderdale’s progress towards being the ‘best borough in the North’ and achieving the aspirations of the Vision2024 for Calderdale. You can filter the dashboard by corporate priority, vision theme, indicator or service. Our end of June 2020 Corporate Performance Report, has five main focus areas including:…
#AirHack 2 August 12th, 2020 by Sophie Smith Location: Online webinar Date: 01 October 2020 ODI Leeds will be hosting #AirHack2 on the 1 October 2020. Back in July they hosted an online discussion and ideas session to find out what data was being published, what might be missing and what people wanted to see for the next event. There were some broad…
School Census Data June 15th, 2020 by Sophie Smith Did you know that Calderdale has 101 schools, with over 36000 pupils? Analysis of our pupil data is available within a range of school datasets, which have recently been updated with data for the January 2020 school census. Topics include: • Number of pupils on Roll • Ethnicity • Pupils eligible for Free School meals…
#PlanetData2 hosted by ODI Leeds April 16th, 2020 by Sophie Smith Location: Online webinar Date: 29 April 2020 ODI Leeds hosted their first Planet Data event back in 2019 in response to the Climate Emergency. This was an event where people could share work/data that they were working on to find help or amplify their work so that it could be seen by the right people.…
Calderdale Anti-Poverty Dashboards April 8th, 2020 by Cath Bentley Calderdale Council and its partners in the Calderdale Anti-poverty steering group are working together to help tackle poverty in the borough. The work of the partnership is reported through the Calderdale Anti-Poverty Action Plan. which has three areas of focus: Prevention: Identifying necessary work to be done to support residents and protect them from falling…
COVID-19: Datasets and Visualisations April 3rd, 2020 by Sophie Smith To support the COVID-19 pandemic there are a range of useful Datasets and visualisations that have been created by different organisations to represent data related to COVID-19, see COVID-19: Datasets and Visualisations. This data set includes links to Public Health England Dashboards, vaccinations data, interactive maps, ODI Leeds visualisations and dashboards, NHS data and data…
We are Calderdale: 12 March 2020 March 6th, 2020 by Sophie Smith Each year, Calderdale Council hold an assembly of public, private, community and voluntary sector partners. ‘We are Calderdale’ provides an opportunity to discuss how all our priorities can be met, identify gaps and provide opportunities to work together to improve life in Calderdale for all. This year, the data packs have been designed to reflect…
Open Data Day March 5th, 2020 by Sophie Smith Saturday 7th March is Open Data Day. This is an annual celebration of open data all over the world and a great opportunity to raise awareness and show the benefits of open data (efficiency, transparency, innovation and economic growth). Here in Calderdale we have proactively embraced Open Data, putting it at the heart of our…
What’s it like to live in Calderdale? January 14th, 2020 by Sophie Smith Calderdale residents are invited to take part in a survey to share their thoughts about what it’s like to live in the borough to help inform work towards ambitions for Calderdale’s future. As Calderdale approaches its 50th birthday in the year 2024, the Council and partners are celebrating and reflecting on what has been achieved…