School census data January 23rd, 2019 by David Brook Did you know that Calderdale has 100 schools, serving over 35000 pupils? Analysis of our pupil population is available within the Schools datasets, which have recently been updated with data from the October 2018 school census. Topics include how many of these pupils have special educational needs, take free school meals or speak English as…
Tell us how you’re using our Open Data November 28th, 2018 by Simon Greaves If you can spare a few minutes, please let us have feedback on how you’ve used the site today, what you were looking for, preferred formats and how you’re using our open data. We work closely with Data Mill North and Northern Data Hub on all things open data so we’ll be looking at the…
Calderdale Council collaborates with local universities October 24th, 2018 by David Brook Calderdale Council has trialled a new partnership project with the Universities of Huddersfield and Leeds. It offered a variety of research project ideas for final year masters or PhD students, mainly using open data on Calderdale Dataworks. Subjects included topical matters such as reablement and home adaptations which help people to stay in their own…
IoT Showcase and IoTUK Challenger September 19th, 2018 by Simon Greaves The Internet of Things is a rapidly growing area of tech, encompassing creative projects alongside real-world applications across health, transport, environment, and more. To explore the potential of IoT, ODI Leeds are collaborating with IoTUK and Digital Catapult to bring you IoTUK Challenger North. Taking place in Leeds on Thursday 20 & Friday 21 September, it is an opportunity for SMEs to work with…
Performance dashboard August 9th, 2018 by Diane Wilkinson Calderdale is well on track to becoming the best borough in the North. That’s according to the Council’s latest performance review report. Our reports measure the Council’s performance against 78 key indicators, showing how it is doing against its own targets and compared to other councils. Information on how the Council is performing is available…
Data Mapper June 8th, 2018 by Diane Wilkinson Data Mapper is an interactive map, focusing on West Yorkshire and using Open Street Map, which has been created by one of our colleagues at ODI Leeds: Data Mapper. The Data Mapper harvests GeoJSON files from Calderdale DataWorks. The ‘drop down’ selection in the top left corner provides the option to add one or more…
We’re continuing to grow! May 15th, 2018 by Diane Wilkinson We now have over 200 datasets of local information freely available for you to use on DataWorks – data that could help make a difference to residents lives and support business opportunities. All the data is ‘open data’ – free information published in an accessible format with a licence that allows anyone to access, use…
Local election hex maps April 30th, 2018 by Diane Wilkinson In the lead up to the local elections on 3 May 2018, ODI Leeds have created a hex map using data from the Democracy club. The Democracy club uses crowd sourced data from thousands of volunteers and covers such details as candidates, polling locations, and when elections are held. Using data from the Democracy club…
State of Calderdale assembly 2018 March 22nd, 2018 by Diane Wilkinson The State of Calderdale assembly 2018 is being held on Friday 23 March. It brings together key representatives from the public, private, and community and voluntary sector. The assembly provides the chance to discuss what priorities and key issues organisations within the different sectors believe are relevant to the borough of Calderdale, how these can…
Brownfield land registers: data and maps March 1st, 2018 by Diane Wilkinson All local planning authorities are required to publish and maintain Brownfield land registers as open data (see The Town and Country Planning (Brownfield Land Register) Regulations 2017). Land is classed as brownfield if it has been previously developed. You can see Calderdale’s Brownfield land register at DataWorks: Brownfield land register. All registers are required to…
Ward profiles January 24th, 2018 by Diane Wilkinson Ever wondered what data is available for the ward that you live and / or work in? On Calderdale DataWorks, we’ve created a series of Ward profiles that provide data on many topics, such as demographics, health and income. Since we first highlighted the profiles in September 2016, these have been developed further to include…
Ofsted reporting template December 8th, 2017 by Diane Wilkinson Graham Mozley and Andrew Ramsay from Calderdale Business Intelligence team presented to the Data and Insight Authority Forum Summit, in December 2017, about our reporting template for social care front door self assessment for Ofsted inspection and sector led improvement. Calderdale was granted one of eight successful transparency bids from the Local Government Association (LGA)…
Digital Calderdale: Digital and ICT Strategy for 2018-2021 November 7th, 2017 by Diane Wilkinson Our new Digital and ICT (Information and Communication Technology) strategy for 2018-2021 is now available: Digital and ICT strategy 2018-2021. In 2015, we published our original Digital and ICT strategy, the first to be released by an English local authority. Digital transformation is one of the drivers behind local authorities moving from being service driven…
All aboard the Data bus! November 6th, 2017 by Diane Wilkinson Building on the success of TravelHack and TravelHack2, ODI Leeds have announced a collaboration with the Department of Transport, giving the opportunity to discuss the open data provision in the Bus Services Act 2017. Workshops for local authorities, bus operators, transport data providers, digital developers and others, were held in London, Birmingham and Leeds in…
Active Calderdale September 29th, 2017 by Diane Wilkinson We want Calderdale to be the most active borough in the north, through the Active Calderdale movement. This aims to get more people in Calderdale more active, more often. This will reduce demand on services, whilst making a significant improvement in the health and wellbeing of our residents. Physical activity can give benefits to both…
#TravelHack2 – Fare Enough September 18th, 2017 by Simon Greaves #TravelHack was an incredible success, where more than 80 people helped write Transport for the North’s data strategy. #TravelHack2 – Fare Enough held in October, focused on the presentation of fare information to customers, expanding on the ideas and explorations from #TravelHack. Bus fares have been a thorny issue for some time, with competing operators having vastly…
Interactive dashboards August 7th, 2017 by Diane Wilkinson As the number of our datasets steadily increase, we also want to give a more visual presentation of some of the data we publish. This is being done using a series of interactive dashboards. At present we have published four dashboards on the following data: Annual council budget; Council ward elections; Council performance overview; and…
State of Calderdale assembly July 12th, 2017 by Diane Wilkinson On Thursday 9 February, the State of Calderdale Assembly was held to look at key issues and how to achieve our ambition to make Calderdale the best borough in the north. The event brought together about 100 key representatives from public, private, and voluntary and community sectors across the borough, and was hosted by Calderdale…
Neighbourhood ward profiles June 26th, 2017 by Diane Wilkinson Our Neighbourhood ward profiles are the first of a series of data visualisations to give a graphical element to data on the different wards in Calderdale. This highlights information that can affect the neighbourhood that we live in, such as population density, homelessness, income deprivation, overcrowding and benefits claimants. To download the profiles, see Neighbourhood…
Travel Hack June 19th, 2017 by Lorraine Sutcliffe #TravelHack took place in June hosted by Transport for the North and ODI Leeds to help create an environment powered by open data to help deliver a brand new travel reality for people in the North, making it easier for people to find the best journey and pay the cheapest fare using their preferred payment method.…
ODI Leeds and Friends Showcase 2017 April 21st, 2017 by Simon Greaves As part of Leeds Digital Festival 2017, ODI Leeds hosted a showcase of talks by digital leaders, innovators and partners on Monday 24 April. The day was a celebration of open data and tech projects in the region. The day was open to everyone to find out more about their work and current projects, and to learn…
#AirHack February 13th, 2017 by Lorraine Sutcliffe #AirHack took place in February at ODI Leeds. The Event was organised by the Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) and the ODI Leeds to explore air quality – the problems, the data, the solutions and was open to anyone interested in air quality. For more information about the event, datasets and to…
How does Calderdale Council compare with other councils? January 31st, 2017 by Diane Wilkinson Use our new interactive dashboards to find out how we are doing. The dashboards show how we compare our progress over time, and how we compare against other authorities: Performance overview . Calderdale Council’s ambition is to be the ‘Best Borough in the North’. We measure our performance on three priorities – Growing the economy,…
Open Data Advent Calendar December 12th, 2016 by Diane Wilkinson For some festive open data inspiration, our friends at ODI Leeds have created an advent calendar showcasing some great examples of open data in action, including Wee three kings (public toilets map) and The Nightmare after Christmas (Boxing day floods). Check back throughout December for your daily dose of festive open data: Open Data Advent…
#HighwaysHack October 25th, 2016 by Jenny Dixon #HighwaysHack took place on 21 and 22 October 2016 at the ODI Leeds. The hack was organised by Highways England and the ODI Leeds and tried to tackle problems and find solutions in transport. Over 100 people attended the hack where there were three challenges; Better journeys for everyone Lane availability The future of the network See #HighwaysHack for details of…
Ward profiles September 16th, 2016 by Diane Wilkinson Calderdale is made up of 17 wards, which vary in both size and demographics – some urban, some rural, and some a mix of the two: Brighouse / Calder / Elland / Greetland and Stainland / Hipperholme and Lightcliffe / Illingworth and Mixenden / Luddendenfoot / Northowram and Shelf / Ovenden / Park / Rastrick…
Allotments of West Yorkshire August 15th, 2016 by Diane Wilkinson Inspired by National Allotment week (8 – 14 August), ODI Leeds have used data from Calderdale Data Works and Data Mill North (data from Leeds and Bradford), plus a file from Kirklees to create a map of all the allotments in West Yorkshire. West Yorkshire allotment map The map has been created using Open Street…
Events and innovation at ODI Leeds June 27th, 2016 by Diane Wilkinson A number of events and innovations are planned at ODI Leeds. #FloodHack16 In March nearly a hundred people came to ODI Leeds to pool knowledge, share ideas and build solutions to flooding. Supported by TechNorth, and Leeds, Bradford and Calderdale Councils, the aim was to develop innovative tools to support anyone who has an interest…
Calderdale Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) April 28th, 2016 by Diane Wilkinson is Calderdale’s JSNA and is a valuable source of information for commissioners, local groups, organisations and other interested parties who want to know more about the population health needs of Calderdale. It gives an overall picture of the current and future health and wellbeing needs of the people. The information can be used in a variety…
ODI Leeds and Friends showcase April 8th, 2016 by Diane Wilkinson As part of Leeds Digital festival, ODI Leeds invite you to come and find out about their ‘Pioneer node’ status, work and current projects on Wednesday 27 April: get tickets You can also learn about their sponsors and collaborators. These include Leeds Data Mill, Leeds City Council, Bradford City Council, Calderdale Council, West Yorkshire Combined Authority, KPMG,…
#Floodhack16 Update March 18th, 2016 by Jake Roy A flurry of activity was seen at #Floodhack16 at the ODI Node, Leeds on 11th and 12th March. The idea of the event was to develop innovative tools to support anyone who has an interest in flooding detection, response, resilience, analysis and recovery through the use of data and technology. More than 70 data scientists,…
#Floodhack16 @ODILeeds February 26th, 2016 by Jake Roy ODI Leeds will be running #FloodHack16 on the 11th & 12th March, looking at the challenges the recent flooding created and what technology, data and innovation can do to help. It’s supported by Leeds, Calderdale & Bradford Councils – hopefully York will be joining as well. There is also support from TechNorth, ODI HQ and…
Flooding data January 8th, 2016 by Diane Wilkinson We have published data, maps and information relating to the recent flooding in Calderdale: Flood data The maps and addresses provided are an indicative representation of areas affected by recent flooding as at the date of publication. The information has been collated from local intelligence in the affected areas. The indicative nature of the data…
Moving towards a healthier Calderdale November 20th, 2015 by Jake Roy We can be healthier if we work together. That’s one of the findings of IBM, after joining forces with Calderdale Council on a unique project to use data to identify how we can encourage more active, healthy and longer lives in the borough. The aim is to get people moving more in their daily lives…
ODI Leeds – Intelligent Towns October 29th, 2015 by Lorraine Sutcliffe Part of Calderdale Council’s collaboration with the wonderful folks at Wuthering Bytes to bring a 3 day look at how technology meets civic innovation. Paul Connell from the ODI Leeds talks about Intelligent Towns. Watch the video below!
IBM helps Calderdale get moving! October 7th, 2015 by Simon Greaves Global technology giant IBM and Calderdale Council are joining forces on a project which will use data to encourage more active, healthy and longer lives in the borough. IBM invited Calderdale Council to take part in a unique three week pilot research programme which will combine data from the Council; the NHS; Public Health England;…
Explore our digital future at Wuthering Bytes September 23rd, 2015 by Lorraine Sutcliffe We are holding three days of talks and workshops exploring the latest innovation in digital technology during Wuthering Bytes, the annual technology event in Hebden Bridge. Wuthering Bytes is a week-long festival of technology which is taking place from 26 September to 2 October 2015 at Hebden Bridge Town Hall. From 29 September to 1 October…
Calderdale open for business June 11th, 2015 by Simon Greaves Calderdale Council has launched a new web page giving residents and businesses access to local information that could make a difference to their lives and help create exciting new products and services. The web page provides ‘open data’ – free information published in an accessible format with a licence that allows anyone to access, use…
Calderdale joins Leeds ODI January 20th, 2015 by Simon Greaves We are a founding member of the Leeds Open Data institute (ODI) and are working closely with them and other partners on a range of Open Data projects. See – Calderdale joins Leeds ODI